So the story on Vanity fair green section talking about green celebs which is cute. However here are the 50 ways to save the planet in 2006, I think they did stuff like this. Haven’t seen anything lately.

“The problem is so vast and the urgency so great that advice which suggests you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or switch off lights and standbys when they are not needed or go vegetarian for one day a week seems, well, ridiculous.”

Here’s a portion of the post about green celebrities.  As you can tell, I am not that convinced.

If Julia Roberts can do it, so can you. An admitted latecomer to environmental concerns, Roberts is proof that it’s never too late to start caring for the earth and that it can all start at home. From the Prius she drives and the solar-powered house she’s building in California to the metal cup she uses when she goes out for coffee, the grocery bags she religiously returns to the store for a nickel, and the twins’ environmentally friendly Seventh Generation diapers.

Roberts firmly believes that the little things make a difference and that we all shouldn’t be so damn despairing. “At a time like the one we’re in right now, where you feel like government and big business are kind of the same thing, people feel like the die is cast,” she says. “So much has already been destroyed and done and you can’t go back. Well, we can go forward, in a different way.” She and her husband, Danny Moder, who own a ranch outside of Taos, New Mexico, are working with their community to help protect New Mexico’s Valle Vidal, 100,000 acres of wildlife-rich, federally managed land that could well be drilled into oblivion. Why the late transformation into environmentalist? A couple of 18-month-olds could do it to a person.

“People think, Well, I won’t be here when the planet implodes,” she says. “But maybe your grandchildren will, or your great-grandchildren, or your great-great grandchildren. And if you could give them one more day on earth, wouldn’t you do that for them?” —evgenia peretz

However the post on the 50 Ways to go green by Vanity Fair Green was pretty good. 

Here is an excerpt talking about why to read the post. A good catch all.

“The problem is so vast and the urgency so great that advice which suggests you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or switch off lights and standbys when they are not needed or go vegetarian for one day a week seems, well, ridiculous.

Global warming is probably the greatest threat our species has ever faced. The sheer scale of the processes under way in the atmosphere and the oceans makes it hard not to view anything an individual does to reduce emissions as being too little too late. Not true.

The astonishing fact is that each of us can have an immediate impact on the production of greenhouse gases. I mean so if enough of us act together in these minor ways we can do. For the cumulative effect will be dramatic. That’s because so much of the way we live our lives is wasteful and, to put it bluntly, thoughtless. It takes nothing to switch off a lamp, unplug the phone charger, take a shorter shower, cook without pre-heating the oven, skip the pre-wash part of the dishwasher cycle, or, often, walk or bike instead of drive. And they all save money, which is one of the rather striking things about reducing your carbon footprint—the standard way of measuring the CO2 emissions each person is responsible for.”

In addition, here is one cool idea from Vanity Fair Green. 

Ditch Plastic Bags

Californians Against Waste (, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group. For it estimates that Americans use 84 billion plastic bags annually. That’s a considerable contribution to the 500 billion to one trillion used worldwide. Made from polyethylene, plastic bags are not biodegradable. Moreover and are making their way into our oceans and waterways.

According to recent studies, the oceans are full of tiny fragments of plastic. All that are beginning to work their way up the food chain. Invest in stronger, re-usable bags, and avoid plastic bags whenever possible.

For the remainder of that story from Vanity Fair.

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