Back in 2009, I wrote about attic stair covers as a way to save energy for,  However, this story is always in need of discussion so I decided to remind people that I wrote this story.

Here is an excerpt:

While it is important to consistently think up new ways to save energy in your home year-round, this winter with higher natural gas prices will continue to be a cold and costly one.

One of the quickest ways to save energy is to start looking at wherever air is leaking into or out of your home. Another phrase that commonly used is sealing your envelope.

Home Weatherization
Home Weatherization by USDOE

Source: US Department of Energy

One of the things I learned is a terrible energy hog is the attic stairs.

Without a proper attic stair cover you could be burning money.

An attic stair cover will reduce air leakage into your attic and reduce energy consumption.

For the entire story on 

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