Clean Green 100% Renewable Energy For Commercial Facilities?!? They Saved $600 In A Low Electricity Month One!
UMAC Briarcliff Was My First Customer Saved $600 in a low demand month for Green Electricity! "Wow, I cant believe how easy it was to change suppliers and the significant reduction in cost. It now costs more for the supply than the electricity itself. It's great to be able to be doing something to help the environment and feel like I'm being rewarded for it! How is that???" Master Chris Berlow then added this, "I think Kathy was right on with everything but you may want to add that there was approximately a $600 reduction from last years bill of the same month. Last year the month was $2000 and this year it was $1400. I am extremely grateful for what you have done and everyone and anyone should definitely follow your lead!" That's the kind of stuff that makes this job all worth it!