Report Says Labeling “Trash Incinerator” Facilities To Generate More Pollution Per Hour of Energy Than Coal-Fired Power Plants Should Not Be Called “Renewable”!

Maryland is looking like the U.S. capital of “waste-to-energy” (WTE) incinerators.  However, the trash-burning technology is mislabeled as “renewable” and actually creates more pollution per hour of energy in Maryland than coal-fired power plants, according to an Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) report by EIP, the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and Clean Water Action.

These facilities combust trash to generate electricity and steam for heating buildings. Maryland currently has three projects slated for construction.  If these facilities are generating more than coal emissions, they might want to talk to Waste Management.  They seem to do the same thing but generate less emissions than their coal counterpart in Westchester County, NY.  They can do the same in Maryland?!?

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