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ETwater Technology Solutions Provider Introduces an Advanced New Solution to Excess Water Use

Infographic: How the smartest irrigation service works. Saves water, eliminates waste and excess use. Automated watering for only the precise amount a lawn, garden or landscape needs to stay healthy. ETwater is an advanced technology solution that helps consumers and businesses deal with restrictions, and the need to conserve water.
Infographic: How the smartest irrigation service works.

In this day and age, water saving technologies are essential. For it is becoming increasingly scarce while the population and demand for it are growing. This has made it more important than ever to conserve water and reduce waste in order to ensure that we have enough for future generations. Fortunately, technology has come to the rescue with a host of innovative water technologies that are helping us save water and reduce waste. From smart water meters that monitor usage to water reuse systems that purify wastewater. For these technologies are revolutionizing the way we use and manage water resources. They are also enabling us to make more sustainable decisions when it comes to our water use. In this article, we’ll explore the various water technologies that are making a difference in our water conservation efforts and how they can help us save water and reduce waste.

45th Anniversary Earth Day

On the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, ETwater Technology Solutions Providers has unveiled a new solution. One to help address the challenges of water scarcity. That’s by reducing water waste and ensuring the precise amount of water is used for landscaping.

Individuals and businesses can use the advanced technology solution to save water. Also, adhere to restrictions on water use. This Earth Day is moreover bringing heightened attention to the waste of resources and the need to conserve water.

For it is available direct to the public. All for a low monthly subscription fee. Sign-up now, online at

ET Water

ETwater has been researching and creating a comprehensive, cloud-based automated watering system. This system decreases water. It also uses up to 50% less than the traditional watering approaches. The enterprise has been aiding the largest establishments, municipalities, and Homeowners Associations. All across the nation for more than a decade. That’s to lower and enhance water utilization. The company also has a number of significant patents on smart irrigation technology. Furthermore it was the pioneer to be awarded the Irrigation Association’s SWAT (Smart Water Application Testing) in 2004. Additionally, it is EPA Watersense authorized.

Included in the cost of the new ETwater irrigation service:

New or retrofit smart controller device. That’s with warranty replacements and repairs.

Also, 24×7 concierge-level service for landscape and programming needs.

Dynamically adjusted water schedules with weather forecast and prediction features

Reliable wireless network connectivity (3G/4G LTE)
Adjustable alerts with event monitoring and reporting
Flow control, monitoring, and break detection

The smartest irrigation service is available for as little as $35 month and can be purchased online directly at

Source: ETwater

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