With all this talk about toxins and toxicity in green living, I thought it would be a good idea to explain what toxicity means. It’s not that you now have to jump onto a website like http://www.recovery.org for toxic withdrawl or anything. It is that more of the products that we know to clean our homes, drink our water or breathe into our lungs have toxins in them which can leave devastating effects. So in essence going green on this issue is like going into recovery since these the toxins are in our body and we need to get healthy.

In the year 1891, Nikola Tesla was busy spreading the AC current across the world, the telephone was gaining international popularity in Europe and the United States, and the first escalator was patented at Coney Beach in the UK. A spirit of innovation had swept the globe, and a Russian chemist named Aleksandr Dianin was about to make history.

By carefully combining different elements, he discovered the compound (CH3)2(C(C6H4OH)2, also known as Bisphenal A or BPA, a substance that has since become one of the most notorious and controversial compounds of our time. First used as an artificial growth hormone for the cattle and poultry industries as well as an estrogen replacement for menopausal women, this artificial estrogen was early identified as being capable of changing how cells grow and change. Considering what it is used for today, the history of BPA is shocking! You can protect yourself from this dangerous toxin by learning its history and what you can do to eradicate it from our society altogether.

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