How about ecotourism associations? Don’t they have member directories that anyone can see? Of course they do, though not all are open to views from non-members. But this is one way to do your search.

In addition and for example, the United Nations World Travel Organization (UNWTO) has an affiliate directory. One you can narrow your search by country.

How about ecotourism associations? Don't they have member directories that anyone can see? Of course they do, though not all are open to views from non-members. But this is one way to do your search.Some government agencies (through their tourism bureaus) and NGOs also list places that they have certified. All based on their training and credentialing programs. Two examples would be:

  1. The Rainforest Alliance –
  2. The EU EcoLabel –

In the UK there are many opportunities for “green” and “organic” vacations.In the UK there are many opportunities for “green” and “organic” vacations. Click here to learn more about a useful directory created by a local writer from Yorkshire -

In the UK there are many ecotourism opportunities for “green” and “organic” vacations. Click here to learn more about a useful directory created by a local writer from Yorkshire –

Here are some national ecotourism organizations with listings of green facilities in their own countries:

Information about the UK


Australia (by state) –

Kenya –

Coming up in Part 3 – What to Look for in a Green Lodge

Guest Writer Bio: Deborah Regen is the publisher of a website directory and blog dedicated to consumer information about ecotourism and sustainable travel. She also sends out a free monthly e-newsletter to subscribers including notices of giveaways. Site URL = and her email =

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