Millions of tons of waste are generated. So zero waste goals are necessary. That’s daily and across the globe. Because most of the waste ends up in landfills thereby polluting the environment. Waste also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. According to studies, more than 75% of all waste is plastic. Although only 9% of that is only recycled. Plastic also causes adverse health impacts in humans and animals. Unfortunately, plastic takes millions of years to decompose. Therefore this means that it remains a threat to the environment. Especially even in landfills.

Therefore, the concept of zero waste means no waste is disposed of. That’s into the environment and preventing adverse impacts. Achieving zero waste is possible. Although there are different practices that can be adopted by people. All mitigating their impact of waste disposal into the environment.

The use of reusable bags for shopping is the most viable on. It will significantly lower your demand for plastic; aka the world’s number one pollutant. For example, there are different types of cotton reusable bags. So these can go a long way in reducing plastic waste.

The problem with single-use plastic items is that they cannot be reused again.

Some plastic items are so small they can’t be recycled. Therefore, replacing plastic with reusable bags will significantly promote the attainment of zero waste in different scenarios. Cotton reusable bags, for example, are durable. So you can use them for a very long period. Therefore this will lower the demand for plastic bags. Because it matters each time you go shopping.

It is also crucial for people to consider products with biodegradable wraps. You know folks, instead of plastic. For instance, you can opt to buy sandwiches and other fast foods with biodegradable wraps. That’s since you can use these for composting purposes.

The other viable step in the direction of achieving zero waste is to learn a habit of preparing food in smaller quantities. Meaning portions that are sufficient for consumption. While there are different methods of storing leftovers, some food will eventually go to waste. That’s no matter how you try to preserve it.

You must try to find other means of storing produce. I mean folks, without plastic. In this particular case, glass works for me the best. It’s a durable material that you can rely on. In addition, it does not produce chemicals that can affect the food. Therefore, you should not use plastic for storing fresh produce. Especially since it will affect its freshness.

Consider recycling because it significantly helps in reducing pollution. So recycling waste, allows us to create other valuable products with that the plastic.

Finally, this will help to protect the environment. Especially against the exploitation of resources. All in a bid to manufacture new products.

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