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Curb Water Waste

Wake Up Sprinklers Plus Irrigation Systems and Time for a Tune-Up

So with spring gone and warmer temperatures in places down below the equator, now is the perfect time to get your irrigation system fixed before the snooze button goes off. All with a little “sprinkler spruce-up” that will hell ensure it’s operating efficiently. Maybe your irrigation system or sprinkler has been inactive. Also it may have been damaged by the hot weather or usage this summer. So before you take your sprinkler system into hibernation, use a little “water sense”. That’ll take four simple steps to get it ready for efficient operation—inspect, connect, direct, and select:

1. Inspect your irrigation systems for clogged, broken, or missing sprinkler heads and replace where necessary.

2. Connect sprinkler heads tightly to pipes or hoses to prevent water pooling in your landscape and leaks that could drown your favorite plants.

Irrigation and sprinkler system

3. Direct spray away from your driveway and sidewalk to water only your lawn or plants.

4. Select a watering schedule that meets your yard’s minimum needs, or better yet, select a WaterSense® labeled irrigation controller, which uses local weather data to take the guesswork out of scheduling.

In addition, choosing the right plants, supporting soil health, and proper maintenance. Because they are all keys to water-smart landscapes.  Consider the following suggestions creating a landscape. Finally one that has curb appeal and is easy to maintain.

In conclusion and if you’re not the do-it-yourself type, go with a pro. Finally, please look for an irrigation professional certified. That’s through a WaterSense labeled certification program to help maintain your system. And even if you don’t have an automatic irrigation system, you can make your yard more water-smart. On your next trip to the nursery, look for plants that are local to your region or labeled “drought tolerant.”

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