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Global Eco laws Grow but widespread failure enforcIng

First of all, the first-ever global assessment of environmental rule of law finds weak enforcement. Mind you it’s a global trend!

Furthermore, that this lax enforcement is exacerbating environmental threats. All despite prolific growth in environmental laws and agencies worldwide.

So expansion of laws and enforcement but doing nothing over the last four decades.

Despite a 38-fold increase in environmental laws put in place since 1972. However a consistent failure to fully implement and enforce these laws. That is always one of the greatest challenges to mitigating climate change. Because reducing pollution and preventing widespread species and habitat loss takes real work. Not policy. Moreover the UN Environment report found this to be evident. Not just me.

For as I’ve written  before that:

The Worldwatch Institute suggests moving toward collective direct action to successfully tackle key environmental issues

Because environmentalists today miss the broader political picture. All by advocating for small day-to-day “green living” acts. Those that in reality are far more symbolic than they are effective.

In addition, the truth is that most people are proponents of a cleaner environment, safer products and labor conditions. That’s as well as a better functioning democracy. However they are just not actively working together for real change.

People Need to Act. Been Talking This Since 2013!

Back In State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible?, the Worldwatch Institute ( argues that the missing ingredient is not more individual eco-perfectionists. However it’s rather collective engagement for sweeping political and economic change.

The report is being released as climate experts and political and economic leaders seek to address dire findings released in October by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which urged rapid action to transform the global economy at a speed and scale that has “no documented historic precedent.”

Source: UN Environment, 24 JAN 2019 PRESS RELEASEENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS AND GOVERNANCE/Nairobi, 24 January 2019.

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