Have you been working on your spring cleaning to-do list? Most homeowners tackle projects in the springtime before the weather gets nice. That way, they can enjoy their house and yard the whole summer without having to worry about doing extra maintenance. 

As you work through your checklist, you may want to consider your home’s energy efficiency. After all, saving energy means saving money. Here are some tips to get you started. 

Spring. home energy

Service Your HVAC System

Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system probably deserves some attention and care. It works hard throughout the year, warming and cooling your home. Have a professional service it to ensure it’s working at maximum efficiency. 

Additionally, you can replace your filters and clean out vents to ensure your home adequately clears the air. These actions will lower energy consumption and lower your bills. 

Install a Smart Thermostat

Now is a great time to install a smart thermostat. They allow you to program your home’s temperature from virtually anywhere. Many include remote control apps you can download to your phone. When no one is home, you can turn down the temps to save energy.

If you already have a smart thermostat, you should reprogram them for spring and summer weather if needed. Your house might get too hot if you keep it set for winter.

Clean Your Chimney

During the winter, people light fires inside their homes to stay warm and cozy. All the smoke and soot piles up in chimneys. Take the time to clean it now so it’s ready for the next winter season.

A chimney sweep can check multiple things during an inspection, like soot buildup, water leaks and ventilation problems. This increases your fireplace efficiency and safety for the next time you use it.

Replace Old Lightbulbs

Energy-efficient lighting has become increasingly popular in homes and buildings. A light-emitting diode (LED) lightbulb can save you up to 75% of energy and lasts much longer than an incandescent bulb. 

Check each of your home’s lighting sources. If they don’t use an LED bulb, swap them out. These lights also give off little heat, so your house will stay cooler during the warm summer months to come.

Weatherize Your Windows and Doors

Although many people weatherize their homes in the winter, you should consider doing so in the spring, as well. The point of winterizing is to ensure heat doesn’t leave your home and no cold air enters.

What about in the warmer months, though? Sealing windows and doors in the springtime ensures cool air stays in your home and the warm air stays out. This will improve efficiency and save energy. For it’s the same way that it does during the colder times of the year.

Take Advantage of the Sun

Take full advantage of the sun now that it’s out for more extended periods during the day. Using natural light is a great way to save on energy costs.

Additionally, you can use the sun to dry your laundry. Cut down on drying costs by hanging your clothes on an outdoor clothesline and allowing them to air dry. This will save you money, and it leaves everything smelling and looking fresh. 

Rotate Your Ceiling Fans

Be sure to rotate your ceiling fans so they turn counterclockwise. When they turn that way, they push the cool air down. This keeps your home comfortable even on hotter days. 

You won’t have to rely on your air conditioner as much, and you certainly won’t have to make it work to its maximum capacity to cool your home. 

Saving Energy This Spring

These maintenance tips will ensure your home will be energy efficient and ready to take on warmer temperatures. Add them to your spring cleaning list so you remember to do them every year. Then, get outside and enjoy the warm weather.


Jane is the Editor-in-Chief of Environment.co and an environmental writer covering green technology, sustainability and environmental news.

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