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Will Sustainability Decrease Allergies?

Sustainability is a buzzword in modern media. Many U.S. citizens accept the term and its implications before evaluating the issue it challenges. Climate change has various effects on humanity and the global ecosystem outside of raising Earth’s temperature.

Fortunately, the government is taking the necessary measures to protect the planet from adverse ecological effects. President Biden developed the Build Back Better plan, instilling sustainability in our nation’s infrastructure. He intends to increase renewable energy production and employment, preventing environmental degradation.  

The Source of the Problem

Biden committed his presidency to protect the global ecosystem because of its high value. As the global temperature rises, wildfires expand, water scarcity increases, hurricane frequencies increase and society’s health declines. Specifically, climate change decreases air quality by increasing allergen counts.

Before accepting sustainability as a solution to rising allergy levels, we must evaluate the problem’s source. Over 81% of the U.S. energy source derives from fossil fuels. When we power our cars, homes, production and agricultural development with natural gas and coal, it creates the enhanced greenhouse effect.

Natural gas and coal release carbon dioxide into the environment during combustion, interfering with Earth’s natural temperature control process. Organically, the atmosphere absorbs solar radiation, creates heat, releases it to the surface, reabsorbs excess energy and sends it to space. When we pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, the process changes.

Air pollutants have a higher sunlight-to-heat conversion rate, generating more warmth than naturally occurring elements. They also contain heat in the atmosphere rather than emitting it to space. The production and entrapment of warmth raise the global temperature over time.

As winters become milder and the summer expands, agricultural growing seasons become longer.  Vegetation may prosper in a warmer climate, extending the allergy season. With more plants consuming the plant, pollen may present a serious health concern.

Additionally, the changing climate may invite new allergens into the mix. Higher pollution and irritant rates significantly decrease the air quality. Researchers concluded that weather changed air quality degradation causes higher asthma attack rates, negatively affecting society’s safety.  

Other than increased pollen counts, the enhanced greenhouse effect causes higher evaporation rates, leading to increased precipitation. As certain regions experience more rain and flooding, mold develops and causes additional respiratory irritants. Indoor mold causes sneezing, congestion, irritated eyes and asthma attacks.

Sustainable Solutions

Fortunately, environmental engineers and scientists developed sustainable solutions over the years that limit the enhanced greenhouse effect and allergen production. Renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power, reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Limiting air pollution can decrease the global temperature, which rose by one degree over the past decade.

Clean energy recently reached its highest cost efficiency level. A portion of Biden’s Build Back Better funding extended renewable power purchase’s tax credits. You may install solar in your home, eliminate your utility costs and receive a significant tax break.

Researchers additionally developed a method of capturing carbon before it reaches the atmosphere. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources may take extensive time and funding. Fortunately, we can reduce the enhanced greenhouse effect now by filtering pollutants before they degrade the environment.

We can also decrease climate change’s adverse effect on allergies by continuously developing environmental regulations. This year, the Environmental Protection Agency initiated a vehicle fuel efficiency rule. It will regulate the transportation industry’s greenhouse gas emissions through 2026, working to decrease ecological degradation.

Various cities and states also increased their air quality protection regulations. New York City is working towards carbon neutrality, reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 85% in the coming decades. They will implement sustainable building practices and renewable energy sourcing to reach their environmental conservation goals.

The Future of Air Quality

As society decreases its carbon emissions, the quantity of allergens and pollutants in the air will decrease. Investing in clean energy and sustainable actions increases society’s health and wellbeing. You may evaluate the size of your carbon footprint and develop greenhouse gas reduction methods, lowering your environmental impact and increasing sustainability.


Jane is the Editor-in-Chief of and an environmental writer covering green technology, sustainability and environmental news.

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