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How Can We Make Our Buildings Green?

We are very much in an exciting time when it comes to constructing new buildings, and they are becoming greener than ever. Most buildings sites use A class hoarding services, which can often hide the great work being done, but once we see those buildings in the flesh, we get a chance to see most of the green features included. The key to making a building green is in the design, and architects have more pressure than ever before to include a range of environmentally friendly features. 

Not all buildings contain the full range of features, of course, but these are the most common types of features which we see in the current age. 

Solar Panels

Solar panel technology has advanced a great deal in the last decade, and this is now one of the most effective ways of powering a building in a green way. Most commercial buildings will still have to rely on power from the national grid to keep going, but they can massively reduce their dependency on the state. Some smaller buildings actually have panels on the roofs, whilst larger premises have actually installed mini solar farms on site. 


 Insulation has long been one of the smartest things to do for a building’s green credentials. However, what we see now is the use of new materials for this installation that provide a better service and which are longer lasting. 

Using Natural Light

In country’s like ours, we can count on long bright days for most of the year. That is why architects are looking to design buildings that can harness this. On the one hand, they are using the sun’s prevalence to churn out energy through solar panels; on the other hand. They are looking to use that to brighten up the workspace. Long tinted windows are the ideal solution here, and they can greatly reduce the need for energy usage for lighting inside the building. 

Reusing Old Materials 

Something which architects are particularly focusing on is recycling waste for new buildings. This helps the planet and the building’s green credentials. These materials can also be bought much cheaper than purchasing new ones. We are certainly seeing a rise in the amount of lumber, plastic, and glass, which is being re-purposed and used in buildings across the country. 

Water-Saving Features 

Another essential aspect of building design which we are seeing is the increase in water-saving features. The perfect example of this can be found in water fixtures. They can help in the flow of toilets and showers to save as much water as possible. These very small and simple additions can reduce water use and waste by a huge amount, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. 

3D Printing

The technology around 3D printing is advancing rapidly. Whilst we aren’t quite at the point of being able to print large-scale commercial buildings, there are lots of scopes here. However, we see smaller structures being built on-site, which have been created through the 3D printing process. This is a truly remarkable step forward regarding the creation of green buildings. There is no doubt at all that this will continue to happen in the coming years. This is very much the future of building design. 

These are some of the most popular ways of turning commercial buildings green. However, we are coming up with more solutions every day. 

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