kids gardening

Nowadays, giving your kids the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities that encourage healthy lifestyles, positive social interactions, and hard work is more important than ever. It will help you shape a healthy lifestyle for them. So why not try to get your kids into gardening, then? The benefits of gardening are numerous, and it is well worth the effort to instill this interest in gardening in young children. However, working in the garden doesn’t sound like an afternoon well spent for most children. That’s why it’s essential to find creative ways to encourage them to try it. To help you do this, we scoured the internet and found fun ways to make your kids want to spend more time nurturing your family garden.

How to get your kids to fall in love with gardening?

Allowing your kids to get their hands dirty in the garden comes with plenty of benefits. By tending a garden, your children can participate in a rewarding and constructive activity while also learning about the joys of nature and the value of hard work. Children learn valuable lessons through gardening, like responsibility and patience. 

Even if you live in an apartment or don’t have access to an outdoor space, you can still get your kids into gardening. For instance, you can grow a herb garden together. And the best part about having an in-house garden is that you can always bring it with you wherever you go. So even if you have to move at some point, moving an in-house garden will be a piece of cake.

The problem is most kids don’t think gardening is fun and aren’t even willing to give it a try. On top of that, they can’t pay attention because of all the electronic stimulation available to them at all times (television, video games, smartphones, etc.).  That makes it even more important to bring your kids closer to nature, and making gardening enjoyable is a great way to do this. But how to make gardening fun for them? Here are some creative suggestions to inspire you.

#1 Get your kids their gardening supplies

Your young gardeners will appreciate their equipment even more if they are made just for their little hands. So the more customized their supplies, the better. Allow them to choose or give them one as a present; either way, it’s sure to amp up their excitement! Don’t just think about how useful the equipment and supplies will be to them. Think about how the look and feel will appeal to them as well.

Tools should include a trowel, hand rake, shovel, hoe, and a watering can or sprinkler. Don’t forget to get suitable gardening gloves, knee pads, and aprons with pockets. Also, ensure to equip them with bug spray; if the sun is shining, ensure they have high-quality sunscreen. 

#2 Dedicate a gardening plot for them

Nothing brings the joy of gardening to life for kids like giving them their plot of land to cultivate and tend. Make sure it’s not too big, or they’ll feel lost in the crowd.

Make it clear that this area is theirs by drawing a clear boundary around it. Also, remember that one of the hardest things they may not have the strength to perform is preparing the soil in the beginning, so you should help them with that. Digging and getting dirty is half the fun, so let them!

#3 Allow them to pick the plants they want to grow

Once your kids have all the tools they need, it’s time to let them pick the plants they want to grow. Give them a variety to choose from, but make it clear which ones require the least care and provide a crop in the shortest amount of time. If your children are interested in growing plants, it’s important to help them learn more about what is involved and how to care for them.

#4 Be creative with planting

When planting seeds or seedlings, try something other than straight rows. For example, you can divide the area into squares and mark out X-shaped areas within each one. The kids can then use the generated triangles to grow flowers of different species. It’s already more fun and interesting. 

Try stacking planting boxes or containers as a creative approach to add height and variety to your garden. Or better yet, you can teach your kids the importance and benefits of recycling by planting boxes or containers with them. DIY family projects are always fun and give you a great opportunity to bond even more.

#5 Let your kids handle decorating the garden

Another great way to make gardening more fun for your kids is to let them make the garden itself more fun. There are plenty of ways to do this. Try out many creative garden ornaments, such as stepping stones for a path, adorable fences, or amusing garden posts. Allow the children to express their individuality by designing their garden plots. You can also have another arts and crafts session and create DIY garden decorations from recycled materials. 

Wrapping up

We hope our tips help you get your kids into gardening and thus help them lead a healthier lifestyle. Gardening is a skill that comes with plenty of benefits, and it gets your kids closer to nature. It will also teach them the importance of taking care of our environment, thus helping you inspire them to adopt greener habits. And the best part is that you can always count on help and advice from a green living expert to get your entire family to slowly switch to an eco-friendly lifestyle.

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