We can offer PACE loans

It is a means (property assessed clean energy financing).  All which is used in the United States of America of financing energy efficiency upgrades.  Also disaster resiliency improvements and water conservation measures.  Furthermore renewable energy installations of residential, commercial, and also industrial property owners. In addition and depending on state legislation, PACE financing can also be used to finance building envelope energy efficiency improvements.  For that’s such as insulation and air sealing.  Furthermore, cool roofs and water efficiency products.  Also, seismic retrofits, and hurricane preparedness measures.

New Construction of pace

In addition and in some states, commercial PACE financing can also fund a portion of new construction projects. 

That’s as long as the building owner agrees to build the new structure to exceed the local energy code.

Pace financing for business

Examples of energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades range from adding more attic insulation to installing rooftop solar panels.  For residential projects and chillers, boilers, LED lighting and roofing for commercial projects. In areas with PACE legislation in place, governments offer a specific bond to investors.  I mean in the case of the open-market model.  Then most importantly, private lenders provide financing to the building owners. All to put towards an energy retrofit.

Therefore, the loans are repaid over the selected term (over the course of somewhere between 5 and 25 years) via an annual assessment on their property tax bill.

In addition, PACE bonds can be issued by municipal financing districts, state agencies or finance companies and the proceeds can be used to retrofit both commercial and residential properties. One of the most notable characteristics of PACE programs is that the loan is attached to the property rather than an individual.  A PACE loan is therefore said to be nonrecourse to the borrower.

PACE can also be used for leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs).

Most noteworthy, PACE programs help home and business owners pay for the upfront costs of green initiatives. For that’s such as solar panels.  All which the property owner thereby get a pay back. That’s all by increasing property taxes by a set rate. Moreover for an agreed-upon term ranging from 5–25 years. This allows property owners to begin saving on energy costs while they are paying for their solar panels. This usually means that property owners have net gains even with increased property tax.

  1. Fact Sheet [PDF]
    This fact sheet provides a brief description of the PACE Financing high-impact action along with the benefits communities can expect to achieve.  
  2. Energy Improvement Corporation WebsiteLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.
    Energy Improvement Corporation is a New York State non-profit, local development corporation that operates EIC OPEN C-PACE for the benefit of its member municipalities, which include counties and cities across New York State, as well as towns in Westchester County.
energy Financing




This is the Way

Especially to continue supporting cities toward we will focus on key areas including:

Saving Energy – We helped the Village of Ossining go LED.  Also, saved taxpayers one year with a 0% tax levy. Plus kept costs fixed and more predictable. 

Maintenance – The LED bulbs usually last 20 plus years.  So the maintenance costs on lighting significantly decreases.  Especially versus fluorescent or incandescent. 

Global Consultation:

This consulting side does ongoing consultations to identify and also address remaining barriers to scale-up. We switched the High bay lighting to LED in this gym for a High School.

Especially even home installations.

One of the Green Living Guy consulting customers was MSi Lighting.  They helped Macy’s save hundreds of millions of dollars by switching to LED. Them they helped Abercrombie and Fitch and others.

 A knowledge base:

New Models of Pace:

Program to explore new financing models. As well as to manage the risk of investment for LED infrastructure projects.

That’s also in cities and rural locations. Because if one of my clients can get Nine West can go LED lighting, so can you.

Not sure what you need, or what it costs?

We can explain what services are right for you and tell you more about our fees.

Get in touch

energy Financing



LED Lighting Consulting

To continue supporting cities toward we will focus on key areas including: Global Consultation: Ongoing consultation to identify and also address remaining barriers to scale-up.

We switched the High bay lighting to LED in this gym for a High School.

A knowledge base: Also a growing database of LED-related information and materials.  New financing: Program to explore new financing models. As well as to manage the risk of investment for LED infrastructure projects.

The adoption by utilities: Program to identify opportunities and supporting policies. Therefore to promote energy efficient LED lighting by utilities Off-grid lighting: Project to also explore opportunities for off-grid LED lighting solutions.

That’s moreover in cities and also rural locations. Because if one of my clients can get Nine West can go LED lighting, so can you!!!