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Spurring Climate Action at the UN’s Stockholm+50 Conference

As decision-makers and business leaders meet for Stockholm+50, the Exponential Roadmap Initiative will shine a light on the game-changers in energy efficiency, green energy, travel & transport, plant-based food, regenerative agriculture, protecting & restoring nature, and maximizing positive impacts from digitalization.

“We need to halve global emissions by 2030 and become nature positive at the same time to tackle the climate emergency. We have the answers in our hands – we just need sharper action. The solutions to halve emissions by 2030 exist in all sectors and many are scaling exponentially. This is the moment to scale even faster and make a pull-in. The companies that realize that today are the winners of tomorrow”, says Johan Falk, founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative.

This week governments meet for the UN’s Stockholm+50 conference. It’s a consortium of the leading transformers and disruptors. They are all aligned with the 1.5°C ambition and are joining forces to accelerate action to zero-emission. Moreover to create a circular value chain.  

“The good news is that climate action and demand for green energy is rising exponentially. But it is not sufficient. I hope S+50 will spur action towards a breakthrough tipping point to exit the fossil energy crisis. Moreover, move towards a net-zero emissions world”, says Nigel Topping, High-Level Champion of United Kingdom, UN.

“We are seeing huge momentum from businesses taking action to cut their emissions. In addition, calling on governments to support them to go further and faster. We have the solutions across energy and nature to halve global emissions by 2030. I hope S+50 can inspire businesses of all sizes and sectors – in collaboration with governments. Moreover, the goal is to accelerate the scale-up of these solutions at pace and leave no community behind”, says María Mendiluce, CEO of the We Mean Business Coalition. 

The Stockholm+50 Climate Hub

Within the Stockholm+50 Climate Hub, the Exponential Race to Zero events, hosted by We Don’t Have Time, Exponential Roadmap Initiative, United Nations’ Race to Zero and We Mean Business Coalition, will showcase examples of leading innovative, disruptive, and transformative companies taking climate action in line with science. The Exponential Race to Zero will be spread across four days, focusing on: Green Energy, Transport, Food & Land as well as digitalization- at the Exponential Climate Action Summit VI- Maximizing impact with digitalization– hosted by We Don’t Have Time, Ericsson, and Exponential Roadmap Initiative. 

“We Don’t Have Time gathers leaders from around the world. That’s to share climate solutions and thereby speed our necessary transition from a fossil to a renewable economy. We hope our daily Stockholm+50 broadcasts reaching millions will inspire leaders within all sectors to act faster while we still have time”, says Ingmar Renzhog, Founder of We Don’t Have Time. 

The series of events will focus on the game-changers in energy efficiency, green energy, travel & transport, plant-based food, regenerative agriculture, protection & restoration of nature, and maximizing positive impacts from digitalization. Through these events, we will identify concrete actions to remove the blockers. Therefore, enabling scaling up faster and further to COP27. It is a step up on an exponential journey. 

We are witnessing the start of the Green Energy revolution. It is time to go all-in on green energy and energy efficiency to simultaneously exit the fossil energy crisis.  We must meet national and international climate goals, as well as benefit the natural world. Smart energy efficiency solutions can cut emissions in 10 million factories from today. Electrification through wind, solar, storage, hydrogen, and e-fuels, supported by digitalization can help the world run entirely on renewable energy. 

Climate Action: Industry by Industry

In Transport, solutions exist now and are around the corner to cut transport emissions by 50-90% before 2030, supporting net-zero goals.

We need to move to the next generation Food & Land value chains by 2030. The current food system is insecure and has a severe impact on climate and biodiversity. This is the time to accelerate the shift towards regenerative agriculture and healthier, plant-rich food. Moreover, protecting and restoring nature, to become Nature Positive by 2030.

The digital industry has a leadership role in racing toward net-zero value chains. That’s in addition to accelerating the movement to halve emissions in all supply chains. Maximizing impact with digitalization is instrumental to halving emissions in all industries, achieving a circular economy, and enabling people and cities to make sustainable choices. 

“Halving emissions by 2030 in the Race to Zero is required to stay close to 1.5°C. It is possible to cut 90% of emissions in many value chains but we need stronger policies and financial incentives to scale faster. It is urgent to immediately remove blockers, cut fossil subsidies, remove red tape on new infrastructure and embrace radical innovation. All companies and organizations should join the UN Race to Zero,  take immediate action towards halving emissions by 2030, and spread this task throughout their value chains”. We can only reach net-zero together, says Johan Falk.

Source: We Don’t Have Time

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