You’re already working to reduce your carbon footprint outside the home by carpooling and consolidating errand runs. Of course, reducing your carbon footprint should also be done indoors. When it comes to the upkeep and maintenance of your home, there are also a number of things you can do to help the environment.

Control the Wattage

Appliances, your heating/cooling system, and lighting all consume energy. Thankfully, there are several ways to lower your home’s usage. Replacing light bulbs with long-lasting, energy-efficient LEDs and unplugging lights, electronics, and appliances when not in use, are a few. Upgrading existing appliances to new, Energy-Star models and replacing an older thermostat with a smart home programmable one will save energy by eliminating waste and lower the cost of your monthly utility bills. 

SWITCH 3-Way LED bulb from SWITCH Lighting™

Use Existing Pipes

If you own an older home and are considering upgrading the plumbing, why not use the existing pipes? Companies like ePIPE specialize in pipe restoration services. They add a protective cover that protects against leaks, lead, and corrosion. The process lowers your carbon footprint while also improving your health.

Eliminate Drafts

Older homes with older windows and doors and inefficient insulation can cause you to lose an abundance of energy throughout the year. Whether it’s cold or warm outside, you are unable to sustain an ideal indoor temperature. Replacing them with energy-efficient, Energy-Star windows and doors and upgraded insulation in the basement and in the attic will help you achieve a comfortable environment while lowering your energy consumption. If you are unable to replace them all, add weather-stripping or plastic to the ones that remain. 

Use Less Water

Unbelievably, even though the planet seems to have an abundance of water, only a very small percentage of it is freshwater, the water that is safe to drink. The lack of supply is one reason to conserve water. The second reason is to reduce your carbon footprint. All water for home use goes through a treatment process prior to delivery which translates to energy and carbon emissions. Installing a showerhead with a low-flow, lowering the temperature on your hot water heater, and reducing your time in the shower are all good examples of ways to save water. Additionally, turning off the water when brushing your teeth between rinses will also lower your consumption.


Sustainable Energy

If you own a home, installing solar panels can help you reduce your electricity usage considerably. Solar is one of the purest forms of renewable energy and there are multiple ways to save on the initial cost through the use of government and state-sponsored incentive programs. Some states also have wind turbines for homes. Hanging your clothes on a clothesline versus using the dryer is yet another way to lower your dependence on electricity.

Waste Less Food

It’s difficult to eliminate all food waste; however, there are ways to lower it considerably. Planning out weekly meals, and either cooking the right portion sizes or utilizing the leftovers, are a good start. Don’t overbuy items with quick expiration dates like dairy products. Make sure to freeze meats and vegetables until needed and buy food locally. Leftover portions of meat, such as the bones and fat, and vegetable stems and ends are wonderful for creating broth or stew. 

Clothing made from natural products like cotton go the distance, allowing for longer enjoyment, and fewer carbon emissions. Unfortunately, landfills across the land have piles of discarded items. Instead, pay a little more for sustainable clothing articles that remain in style. If you’re ready to clean house to make room for new clothing pieces, drop off your older clothing in good condition at the Salvation Army, Goodwill, or your local church.
Women shopping for clothes. Photo courtesy of

Sustainable Shopping

Clothing made from natural products like cotton go the distance, allowing for longer enjoyment, and fewer carbon emissions. Unfortunately, landfills across the land have piles of discarded items. Instead, pay a little more for sustainable clothing articles that remain in style. If you’re ready to clean house to make room for new clothing pieces, drop off your older clothing in good condition at the Salvation Army, Goodwill, or your local church. 

You can save on energy consumption and monthly expenses. With little effort on your part, going Green can extend to every aspect of your life.

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