Let’s talk about this original study on solar costs over time. It’s a real thing.

For one fan recently wrote me:

When I was in school, I never learned much more than the fact that global warming is occurring faster than we can control it. Your Green Guides are an amazing push to educate people on all things green. “Build Your Own Electric Motorcycle” is a good way to get younger generations interested.

Thank you so much!!
Original study on solar costs

Then we discussed solar and the reader shared some info for us to  learn from:

How many Americans are actually familiar with the idea of solar power, though?

Citizens of California and New Jersey are highly informed and their states offer strong incentives for the installment of solar panels. However, other states are not so lucky.

Recently, an original study was conducted on the increase in solar power installations in the US. The results concluded that the use of solar energy is only increasing. Some notable findings:

80K solar panels were installed in America in 2014. That’s also up from only a few hundred in 1995.

Most surprisingly was Texas. For it’s the most oil-rich state in the US- has the second highest incentive rates for installing solar panels.

California, Arizona, and New Jersey have the highest solar panel capacities.

Feel free to check out the full study here.


The solar revolution is a sweeping shift that has come to define the world of power and electricity. The cost of installing a solar panel in the United States dropped 80% in the last decade. Moreover, the amount of solar that is being installed has increased exponentially. This is due in part to a growing awareness of the benefits. Especially that are associated with both solar power and the environment. In addition to helping the environment and cutting costs, solar power is expected to play a significant role in providing energy in the coming years.


This article presents new data that shows the rapid rate of growth in solar panel installations over the last twenty years. It also looks at how off-grid and on-grid solar systems have grown over that time, as well as the types of solar systems that are currently on the market.

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