Our homes are our safety net. A place we feel rested, safe, and in the company of people we treasure the most. It plays a vital role in our mental and physical well-being. It cements and facilitates clean living. What does clean living entail? Why should we focus on clean living to nurture a healthy living environment? Keep reading the article. I will review clean living exhaustively and how to nurture a healthy home. 

clean living

Clean Living

Clean living is crucial to creating a healthy home. It extends beyond clean eating, exercising, or swapping to green energy. It’s about living a wholesome and natural life. It’s a holistic approach. You’ll need to eliminate anything contributing to physical and mental ill health. Without a doubt, you’ll need clean food, air, water, mind, and environment, summing up to nurturing a healthy living space, especially when you’re renting your living space

Creating a Healthy Home 

So, how do you cultivate and maintain a home that facilitates healthy living?

Clean Air

Did you know that more than 3.8 million people die yearly due to exposure to indoor air pollution? Our activities, energy sources, cleaning products, and building materials in our homes are the main contributors to toxic indoor air.

Surprisingly, the air quality in our homes is worse than the air quality in our offices and working spaces. Yet our homes are meant to be our safe havens. Most of the pollutants in our homes cause increased volatile organic compounds, a notorious source of respiratory irritants and infections. VOCs can also cause cancer. Luckily you can always protect yourself against VOCs and other air pollutants inside and outside your home. 

Clean Water 

Clean water goes in tandem with clean living and maintaining a clean living environment. Your water becomes contaminated once it leaves the municipality’s reservoir. Sadly, no one monitors the water once it’s in your home’s reservoir. You can enhance the water quality in your home. Here is how to do it. 

Create Green Spaces

A green space will help nurture a healthy environment that will facilitate cleaner and more robust mental health. A stable mind is a part of clean living. Exposure to greenery is an effective stress blocker. There is also a positive link between green spaces and healthy sleep patterns. A flat shouldn’t be an excuse for not owning or being exposed to green space. You can create one.  

Minimize Visual Noise

Don’t subject your mind to clutter. It shatters your mental stability. 

Bottom Line

A healthy environment makes it easier to sustain a clean living lifestyle. A dirty home environment will not only result in physical ill health but also cause mental instability. The clutter, toxic air, contaminated water, and filth in and outside your home will pull you apart mentally and physically. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain a healthy home environment.

Author: Bella Clarks

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