One of the fastest changing industries for technology is related to the climate. From solar panels to wind turbines, there’s a lot of attention on reducing your carbon footprint. Luckily, there are many simple changes you can make to be a little more eco-friendly in your life.

Become More Energy Efficient

Maybe you’ve heard “don’t forget to turn out that light” when you were a kid or maybe you’ve forgotten to turn off the TV before leaving the house. 

Well, turning off unused light and electronics as well as unplugging appliances in your house can help you conserve energy. Another energy saving tip to consider is alternative energy. It’s better than traditional energy because it does not utilize fossil fuels. This is important because greenhouse gas emissions from these energy sources are a huge part of the global warming problem. 

There are many forms of alternative and renewable energy sources. One of the most common ones is solar panels. Solar panels help reduce your dependence on fossil fuels, while reducing your electric bill. Although many people are concerned about the price of solar panels, studies show that you get your money back within a few years by cutting down on electricity in your home. Solar panels work by utilizing light from the sun to generate energy from your home. If you’re thinking about investing in solar panels, make sure to do your research. Find a review of solar companies to ensure you’re finding a company that is reliable and cost-efficient. 

Although solar energy is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy, there’s also wind, bio gas and geothermal energy. These are also eco-friendly alternatives that are much less impactful on the environment than fossil fuels.

Ditch Single-Use Plastics

Beginning to cut down on your use of single-use plastics is a great place to start on your journey to being more eco-friendly. Single-use plastic consists of things such as plastic straws and cutlery, take-out containers and plastic bottles. They are called single-use plastics due to the fact that these are disposable plastics that are intended for one use only.

There are many ways that you can try to slowly cut down on your use of these types of plastic. Try purchasing a few reusable straws instead of buying plastic ones, and opt to forego the straw at restaurants or bring your own. Other plastics have a reusable counterpart, too, such as silverware and ziplock bags. These are cheap, simple switches you can make that can end up saving you money in the long run.

If you’re at the grocery store, bring reusable grocery bags as well as mesh produce bags. You can even buy insulated bags to keep your refrigerated items safe on the drive home. Although it can seem overwhelming to try to remember to bring a reusable bag or straw from home, it can eventually become a lifelong, sustainable habit that will help the planet.

Be Mindful in the Kitchen

Kitchen waste can be one of the biggest culprits for waste. From paper products, like paper towels and napkins, to food scraps, there are many ways you may be mindlessly creating waste.

Instead of tossing leftovers, try making a compost pile to reduce the amount of food you’re throwing away. Compost is a mixture of food scraps and organic earth materials that condition the soil. There are many guides to composting that you can find online to begin your own compost pile.

Other good swaps are beeswax wrap instead of plastic wrap, reusable paper towels instead of traditional or dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. Cleaning products can also be extremely harmful to the environment. Consider eco-friendly DIY cleaners that eliminate plastic waste and harmful chemicals.

Although the switch to being more eco-friendly can seem overwhelming, start by implementing a few small swaps into your daily life to help minimize your carbon footprint.

This post was written by Finnegan Pierson

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