COP 21 saw a flurry of positive activity on climate change, and one topic that kept resurfacing was achieving a 100% clean energy future.

 Leo DiCaprio on COP21

Leonardo DiCaprio delivered a profound speech at COP 21 during the Climate Summit for Local Leaders, saying, “So to all the mayors and governors in this room today, I implore you to join with your peers to commit to moving to no less than 100% renewable energy as soon as possible. Do not wait another day.” DiCaprio followed up with posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

 Leo DiCaprio on COP 21

Here are parts of the speech!!

“It is these cities where the change must start. Over half the world’s population lives in urban areas, areas that generate 70% of global emissions. I mean emissions that are driving climate change. So Imagine what could be achieved if these population centers. Especially were transformed into models for sustainability powered by 100% renewable energy. 

This sounds like the kind of idea an actor might come up with. However believe it or not it is achievable. Professor Mark Jacobson and his team of researchers at Stanford University recently proved that we can meet the world’s energy demand. All with 100% clean renewable energy. That’s using existing technologies by 2050. All to avoid many of the unthinkable effects of climate change.

To do this local and regional leaders like all of you must move quickly to enact policies that support a transition to low carbon transportation. Also energy efficient buildings and better waste management and renewable energy.

Model cities like Vancouver, Sydney, Stockholm and Las Vegas have already committed to using 100% renewable energy in the coming decades. These cities have shown true leadership to tackle the climate crisis head on. This shift doesn’t require scientific breakthroughs. For the technology exists right now. All we need is political will and strong leadership. That’s from all of you.

So to all the mayors and governors in this room today I implore you to join with your peers. All to commit to moving to no less than 100% renewable energy as soon as possible. Do not wait another day.”

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