College graduates. Photo courtesy of

College tips are needed to deal with increasing concerns over climate change. For it may make us think about how we can slow it down. Recycling and reusing are good starts to slowing climate change, but they have proven to not be good enough. You may feel like contributing to the greater good, but it can be almost impossible to, if you’re a college student.

With busy schedules, commitments, etc., being eco-friendly college tips may seem like an out-of-reach goal. However, going green doesn’t have to feel like an impossible dream. In fact, simply having small changes to your daily activities, and adapting new practices, can not only save you money, but can also help you become eco-friendly. And the best part about this is that you don’t have to sacrifice a whole lot from your life; consider these six tips on how to simplify your life, while saving you time and money.

College studying

Unplug And Power Down

When you’re not using any device, light, or appliance in your dorm, be sure to turn them off, and keep them off until you’re ready to use them again. Even when your electronics aren’t in use, be sure to unplug them from the wall. See great college tips!  All because they can easily suck up standby power when they just sit there doing nothing.Another way to conserve electricity is by participating in “power down” days and nights. Nowadays, many campuses would encourage students to cut back on their energy usage. So the school is now providing college tips to save.

For not only does this sound fun and competitive among your peers, it also helps you conserve while committing to your school schedule.

College student College tips for saving energy to combat climate change

Use Energy-Efficient Lighting—“Energy-efficient lights are your friend,” said Georgina Ashton, a green writer at State Of Writing and Paperfellows. “Although some people may argue that LED bulbs can be pricey, the investment is still worth it, since they are said to last longer than traditional bulbs, and they use up less energy.” Shop Smart With Reusable Bags—Reusable bags are becoming widely popular in today’s shopping experience. Why not use reusable bags, instead of opting for the traditional paper or plastic bags at the grocery store? Paper and plastic bags tend to end up in a landfill, and stay there for a long time. Reusable bags, on the other hand, reduce the number of paper/plastic bags from going to the landfill.


Some clothing brands have picked up on creating eco-friendly clothing; however, they tend to be pricey. So, if you can’t afford expensive clothing, try thrift stores, where they sell used clothing at low prices.

Also, keep in mind that you should only buy what you need; if you don’t see yourself wearing something for a long time, then put it back on the rack. As for your old clothes, consider swapping them with friends, or donating them to charity.

Practice Water Conservation—“Water is the most valuable resource on the planet,” said Callum Alanson, eco blogger at Boomessays and Dissertation Writing.

“But with that said, people tend to overlook things that can put this resource in jeopardy. No one will think twice before leaving the faucet on, while brushing their teeth, or being in the shower for a long period of time. Perhaps shaving off shower time can reduce your water usage, or turning the faucet off while brushing your teeth. Remember that the goal here is conservation.”

Energy savings include water savings

Eco-Friendly Food And Drink Storage

Food and drink are must-haves in college, obviously; but although people are creatures of habit when saving leftovers, they tend to either use foil or plastic wrap to preserve their food. Instead of using foil or plastic wrap (which are not biodegradable), consider using reusable containers for food storage.

Reusable containers can be washed and reused for future leftovers. Also, rather than spending money on bottled water, try using a refillable bottle that you can carry with you. And if coffee is your go-to beverage, consider using a reusable mug, instead of spending money at a coffee shop—in fact, some cafes and coffee shops may give you a discount, when you bring your own mug.


By now, all of these college tips seem doable. However, you don’t have to take our word for it. The ultimate goal is to recycle when you can, without having to sacrifice any part of your life. And if you need to save money, then consider these options. Eventually, you’ll live a happier, greener life throughout your college experience.

Beatrix Potter is a contributor to both and writing services, and even tutors at As a professional writer, she specializes in green living. And during her spare time, she loves to travel, jog, and read many genres.

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