What Is Ladybug Jane? A Grunge Rock Band?

Ladybug Jane is the brainchild of Jane Graves – model, actress and research scientist who is on a mission to educate children and their parents through the art of animation, games and creative fun.

The idea is to empower families through engaging conscious media so they can make healthy choices in their lives, while respecting the planet – to truly make a difference. Ladybug Jane’s motto is, “It all starts with … One Choice, One Step, One Change.”

What Really Motivates Jane?

When Jane’s mother was diagnosed with cancer, Jane decided she wanted to learn more about how environmental toxins contribute to the disease. Ladybug Jane was inspired by her findings and a profound dream one night, and her desire to share that information with a younger audience and teach them how to be safe and respect their planet. Jane states, “I want kids to know the importance of being conscious about what they are eating and putting on their bodies and about connecting to nature, it’s brilliance, magic and wisdom, and what a big role it all plays in a healthy future.”

Jane Graves

Even Pinky and the Brain Goes For LadyJane

At the Belair Film Festival 2010, Jane was awarded for her work on the cartoon series.

Jane Graves getting her award for LadyBug Jane.Red Lips Inspires Ladybug Tips World Premiere produced Jane Graves and was directed by Rusty Mills from the cartoon Pinky and the Brain.

Starring the voice of Jane Graves as Ladybug Jane and Ian James Corlette, the film offers the viewer an adventure that begins when Ladybug Jane’s best friend Andy the aphid finds a pair of magical glasses.

These magical glasses open their eyes to a whole new reality and perspective as they discover the human world for the very first time.  I wonder what world that was?  Jane?!


Here’s a video of Jane telling her story of how it all began.  Bottom line is that just like Jane, LadyBug Jane is a great looking female; who doesn’t like that??

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nWhj_vUn8U&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3%5D

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