In this modern green living era, we are more informed than ever on what constitutes healthy and sustainable living. With this knowledge, we are learning the ways in which we can save the planet and reduce waste. What’s more, is that we are finding out how beneficial it is for us to lead eco-conscious lifestyles and maintain a greener home. Therefore, to help you see how easy it is to implement healthy changes, here are some expert tips for modern green living that could also help you save energy

Invest in a Water Filter 

By avoiding single-use items, most notably plastics, we are not only preserving the environment but our health as well. While it may be hard to find alternatives to certain single-use items, there are many alternatives to plastic nowadays. When it comes to plastic water bottles, for instance, you can avoid single-use plastics by investing in a water or faucet filter instead of resorting to buying plastic bottles. 

Glass of water. Photo courtesy of

Choose Sustainably Sourced Materials 

Consider the material of your household furniture before making any purchases. By choosing sustainably sourced materials for your home furnishings, you are protecting your indoor air quality; thus, promoting better health. You can do so by choosing recycled materials, energy-efficient appliances, and painting your walls with water-based paint. 

Energy-efficient appliances and household items not only provide us with many health benefits, but they are also far more practical. The folks from explain that eco-friendly items are more sustainable and offer many space-saving solutions. This makes green living ideal for any home, no matter how big or small. 

Choose Reusable Items

As mentioned above, it may be hard to find alternatives to single-use items; however, you should choose reusable items where you can. You can start by doing some research on recycling. Once you understand what items can be recycled, you will be better informed on what products to consider buying. 

Add Recycling Bins

It’s not enough to rely on local garbage pickup services, you can start recycling from within your home. Add multiple recycling bins throughout your home to introduce your family to a more eco-conscious lifestyle. It will be easier for you to maintain a healthy home and you’ll be eliminating excess waste. 

Compost, waste and recycle bins. Photo courtesy of

Conserve Energy

To reduce your energy consumption, you must first decipher how much energy you need. Using the internet, a smartphone, tablets, and other electronic devices can consume quite a large amount of electricity, which costs you a hefty fee as a result. By implementing some small lifestyle changes, you will be saving money and conserving energy. Try to switch off devices when not in use as some devices such as tablets are connected to the internet at all times. If possible, consider switching off the modem at night. 

Reduce Exposure to Toxins 

Luckily, it is much easier to incorporate modern green living solutions into our lives since many industries are going green such as the skin-care and beauty industry. By opting for organic, cruelty-free products that are formulated with natural ingredients, you are reducing your exposure to toxins. Cutting out as many toxins as you can promote a healthier you and home. Toiletries, specifically, have numerous alternatives to toxic products. So, consider looking for greener makeup and hair and skin-care products. Note that learning about which ingredients are toxic will help you make healthier decisions that reduce the exposure of toxins that may be hazardous to your family members and pets at home. 

Choose Green Cleaning Products 

While we are on the subject of toxins, you must take a look at your cleaning products. Cleaning products are among the products with the most toxins which can put many people and animals at risk in terms of health. After learning more about the ingredients that products are formulated with – as mentioned above – switch up your toxic cleaning products for organic ones. If you hire house-keeping services on a regular basis, ask them if they use green-certified cleaning products, as well. You won’t have to worry about quality, as these products are just as stringent and thorough when it comes to offering optimal cleanliness. 

As you can see, if you were once feeling overwhelmed at the thought of revamping your home and lifestyle for greener living, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s not only the easier option, but it’s also the most cost-effective option. These expert tips show just how easy and simple it is to go green in today’s modern world. So, follow these sustainable strategies and enjoy an eco-friendly home that will improve the quality of your and your loved ones’ health. 

DIY eco-friendly cleaning products. Photo courtesy of

Sarah Williams

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