Camping is one of the most beautiful things in the world, especially if you’re into nature and love spending your free time in the open. However, not all campers are the same, and there are tons of those who love camping but don’t know how to do that. These people do more harm than good and go home leaving their campsite full of trash and unnecessary stuff they’ve left behind. This is far from good, and if you want to be a good camper, you have to try to be as responsible and sustainable as you can. In case that’s something you’d like to do as well, here are a few tips that might help you. 

Go glamping

Even though most people believe that camping is all about getting muddy, dirty, tired, and exhausted – both physically and mentally – things don’t have to be that way. On the contrary, if you opt for glamorous camping, also known as glamping, you’ll take your experience to a whole new level. This idea is rather new in the entire camping community, but it’s taken the world by storm and quickly became one of the most popular ways to camp in the open.

Still, before you hit the road and enjoy your glamorous time, you need to understand what glamping is. You have to learn how to do it properly to make the most of your time in the open, but also to become more sustainable than before. If you accept glamping as your new way of camping, you’ll turn your next camping trips into enjoyable occasions where you’ll be able to do something good for yourself and the planet at the same time.

Stick to organic food

This is probably the best way to make your camping more sustainable, and it’s also a great way to help Mother Earth survive for a couple of more decades. Instead of buying ready-made food that’s full of chemicals, dangerous pesticides, and other ingredients that could ruin your health, you should switch to organic food – not just while you’re camping, but every single day as well.

If you’re into organic food, you already know how much love, energy, time, and patience you’ll have to invest before you can enjoy the fruit of your labor. Still, if you know that organic food is all about eating things that are healthy and full of helpful vitamins and minerals, but also about preserving our planet, you won’t have a problem investing all those things into your organic garden. And after you pick your fresh veggies, you can take them on the road and use them to prepare the meals during your camping trip, thus making the best of both worlds.

Use natural materials 

Sleeping in a tent is something all campers do when they’re in the open, but you have to remember that this might not be the best way to go if you want to be sustainable and responsible. While some tents are made from high-quality materials that are completely or partially eco-friendly, not all models are like that, which means sleeping in a tent isn’t the most sustainable way to go. That means you have to find another solution and an idea that will help you build a shelter that’s going to be eco-friendly and green to the fullest.

Building one on your own using natural resources and materials you’ve found around your campsite is one of the ways to go. All you have to do is remember to pack one of those reliable automatic knives that are strong enough to help you shape branches you’ve found lying around into a proper hideout spot. This way, you’ll make your camping even more exciting and be more sustainable than before.

Explore natural products

If you’re one of those people who browse through travel magazines and look for destinations to visit and tips that will make your camping trip more enjoyable, you’ll surely appreciate this idea. One of the ideas you’ll find reading your favorite travel magazine deals with hygiene habits you should practice when camping, and that might inspire you to stick to natural products instead of store-bought solutions.

Even though most people believe this is impossible to do, you’d be surprised to learn how much you can achieve with water and a few simple ingredients. Baking soda, borax, lemon juice, and salt will be enough to keep you and your clothes clean while you’re camping, and there’s nothing more sustainable than that!

Being a responsible camper is a hard and challenging task, but it’s also quite enjoyable, so read these tips and try them out next time you’re camping!

Author: Emma Joyce

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